Grill the burgers, covered with vents open, until nicely marked and cooked to your liking (2 minutes per side for rare, 3 minutes per side for medium rare, 4 minutes per side for medium). Prepare a hot charcoal or gas grill fire. Stuffed burgers are also known as a 'Juicy Lucy'. Refrigerate, uncovered, for at least 20 minutes and up to 4 hours. The tang and creaminess of blue cheese makes it a natural match for beefy burgers. Are you looking for a new recipe for your grill Here is one for you, it is a stuffed burger. Top the cheese with the remaining patties and gently but firmly seal the edges to completely encase the cheese. Divide the blue cheese into 4 equal portions, shape into disks, and set a disk in each of the 4 indentations. The cheese should be perfectly melted- add the burger to your bun and enjoy. When the water has evaporated, remove the lid. Place the lid on top and let it steam of a couple of minutes. Make a slight indentation in the center of 4 of the patties to hold the cheese. Instructions Place the cheese slices onto your burger when its almost finished cooking. Wet your hands and shape the meat into 8 equal 1/2-inch-thick patties.

Cut each cheddar cheese block into 8 cubes (totaling 16 cubes). Combine until the meat is evenly seasoned. pepper and gently mix with your hands avoid overworking. Add ground beef, salt, and pepper to a large bowl. Even though the process is straightforward and consistent throughout most recipes, there are a few ways you can vary the ingredients and the steps to make. Gently break the meat into large pieces in a large bowl.